1·Randall Schriver is a former deputy assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific affairs.
2·Mr Ouattara, a former deputy director of the IMF, is not yet entrenched.
3·3: manhunt: Big Jim recruits Barbie to join the manhunt when a former deputy goes rogue.
4·At the least, turning the former deputy sheriff into a partner will do him no harm at home.
5·Britain reopened its embassy in Iraq in May with a team headed by Christopher Segar, the former deputy head of mission.
6·Thanks for letting me know that the former deputy finance manager, Su, of NanFeng Optical has recently joined our firm.
7·Peter Clarke, a former deputy assistant commissioner, backed him up, but MPs were unsympathetic. Mr Yates is under pressure to quit.
8·Mr. Carstens is a former deputy managing director at the fund, and cited his work in Mexico, which is enjoying solid economic growth.
9·Former deputy leaves on the cover can reduce the imports of the vortex impeller and particle loss of the wear and tear on the seal ring.
10·“When one person stays in the same post for a long period, you start to think you can do whatever you want,” says his former deputy governor, Yasushi Aoyama.